
Hi, my name is Rosa! As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic Medium and Astrologer, It’s my mission to be a catalyst for intuitive development, so you can experience a meaningful life as a spiritual being. Let me tell you a little bit about my journey, in the hope it will benefit yours.

It’s interesting to connect the dots when you look back. To see how some unexpected life events actually were blessings in disguise.  A few years after I graduated as a teacher in health & wellbeing, while processing a divorce, I realized I had no choice but healing by connecting to myself on a deeper level. I decided to deepen my yoga practice and successfully completed my 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand. The cornerstones of these teachings are energy-based classical Hatha Yoga, Meditation and the non-dual wisdom of Advaita Vedanta. This intensive experience changed my life and I finally dared to fuse my spiritual side (and upbringing) into my work and community.

As happens when you start acting in alignment with your authentic self, everything shifted and people started asking guidance and advice on life and metaphysical matters. Working closely with professional coaches & astrologers, I grew my own practice and an international clientele. 

In case you’re curious: I am an explorative Sagittarius Sun, with a rebellious Aquarius Moon and Mystical Scorpio Ascendant.

My intuitive abilities and endless thirst for the exploration of cosmic energy and esoteric wisdom, helps me coach and support others in a unique way. With Jupiter in my ninth house, I like to travel; literally and figuratively. Exploring abroad or diving deep into books that cover the human constitution, soul, consciousness and the way of the heart. Traveling through stories, tales, mythology and symbolism.

As a coach and astrologer I have the honor to guide other courageous beings on their journey towards conscious and authentic alignment. I believe that people who do the work on their state of being raise collective awareness. This will not only contribute to the quality of our life, it will contribute to our ascension, as we slowly merge back together again with the universal and eternal stardust that is all and everything.

We are all on our journey together, I am looking forward to meet you.


Rosa de Boer

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