Intuitive & Personal development
What would it feel like if..
- You feel deep trust and fulfillment in everyday life.
- You feel deeply guided and connected to your intuition.
- You can navigate healing and inner work with confidence.
- You can access your intuition on demand.
- You can translate intuitive feelings and messages.
This is the right place to make this a reality.
The magic of Deep Transformative Coaching is real. My signature 1:1 Life Alchemy Coaching Program is specially crafted to kickstart your intuitive abilitiy, help you cultivate deep fulfillment, and build the life that wants to be born from your soul.
This program has shifted many lives profoundly, from clients all over the world.
See what transformation has been alchemized by other clients
This mentorship has changed lives in the US, Australia, Canada, South-Africa, Finland, Denmark, UK, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Costa Rica and more.
It can be challenging to clearly interpret intuition: the way you pick up on your deeper knowing is not only unique, it also depends on the inner work that is required for you to heal and receive the whispers of your soul.
Without proper integration of intuition it can feel like you are lost, as if your life direction is being informed by the standards and expectations of the outside world.
But life is way too short and way too beautiful to not live it from your heart and soul. Learning how – is going to be one of the most valuable investments you will ever make.
Getting 1 on 1 support from a trusted mentor is priceless and makes a real difference.
How it works:
Diving into self-development, we will uncover the root of current challenges, focus on intuition and your mission in life. I will encourage you to move beyond personal limitations and create space for lasting change and intuitive ability.
The purpose of this offering is to help you heal, feel empowered, and to create your own conscious toolkit that supports you in accessing your deeper knowing and finding your own path.

How does it work?
If you are still reading, I know you are ready to leave the heavy behind and start living in alignment with your soul in everyday life. I’m here to help you connect more deeply with yourself and the next steps on your path.
What you get in this mentorship:
- Exclusive Mentorship of 6 weeks with 1 on 1 coaching
- 1x Intensive deep dive session (90 min) including reading of your energy & astrology (via Zoom)
- 2x Integration sessions (60 min) via Zoom
- Text message support in between sessions
- Personalized exercises and Trello Board to keep track of progress
Investment: €444,-
or two monthly payments of €230,-
If you feel a YES than I invite you to fill out the form below to apply and I will contact you shortly to meet and see if we are a match!
My latest interview
Lynn Cottrell not only communicates with Spirit, but draws Spirit as well. This is also known as spirit portraiture. In this episode of this otherwise Dutch Podcast, we discuss the role of Spirit when it comes to artisitc (or daily) inspiration, perceiving Spirit in different states of consiousness (and corresponding brainwave states) and more about Spirit Guides & Free Will